Script Editor
Edit Script Details
Last Updated: April 3, 2023Right click the Script name to display the following screen. Script name – This is for information purposes only and cannot be changed. Description – A more detailed explanation of the Script contents. Attach method – When a script is recorded, one of its properties is whether or not the application under test was launched...
Script Summary
Last Updated: April 3, 2023Click on a Script to populate the area to the right with details about the script itself (Summary) and additional information about the system and installed products which might be requested by your support contact if you are not receiving the required results (Details). The Checks tab, if shown, will always be empty as that...
Edit Screen Details
Last Updated: April 3, 2023Right click a screen to display the following window. Screen caption – This is automatically determined from the application under test but can be changed to something more meaningful here. Thread ID – Each screen and piece of input has an associated thread id that is used to ensure that the input gets played against...
Screen Properties
Last Updated: April 3, 2023Click on a screen to populate the area to the right with details about the properties of the screen. An image of the recorded screen is displayed. There are 3 buttons at the top left of the panel that determine how the picture is displayed. Full Size – Displays the picture at full size Fit...
Last Updated: April 3, 2023The following graph shows, based on the BusySense options you have chosen, the activity that occurred while this screen was being displayed during recording.
Last Updated: April 3, 2023The elements included on the screen are presented in list form in the Contents section. Click on an element to highlight it on the screen picture and to populate the Selected Element tab. Two right click options control the tree list via an ‘Expand All’ or ‘Collapse All’ menu.
Selected Element
Last Updated: April 3, 2023The Selected Element tab displays the properties for the currently selected object in the Contents pane, the properties vary depending on the type of object selected. An additional section beneath the properties panel is populated when a specific property is highlighted. This enables the full list of values to be viewed for any properties that...
Last Updated: April 3, 2023You may wish to annotate specific areas of any of the recorded screens, for example to highlight information which is incorrect. This can be done by clicking the icon to the top right of the display. Use the mouse to drag a box around the area of the screen that you wish to add a...
Edit Input Properties
Last Updated: April 5, 2023Right click an input event to display a screen similar to the following. The properties on the top half of the display are common to all types of input. However those at the bottom can vary according to the type of input and target element and will therefore not be explained in detail here. However...
Target Element
Last Updated: April 3, 2023Click on the first icon to the left of the properties are to list details about the screen element for which the input applies. Identifier – A unique identifier for the element on this screen, made up of the Role plus a unique number. For example the fifth text box on the screen would have...
Nearest Element
Last Updated: April 3, 2023If the selected input was against an item which does not appear in the screen picture, for example a selection from a drop down combo box, the nearest element that is included in the picture is described in this tab by clicking on the second icon to the left of the properties area.
Last Updated: April 3, 2023Click the Options button to see for each thread in the Script, the Application and Option Set used when the Script was recorded. Among other things the Options determine when a picture of a new screen should be taken. The Options control exactly how the Script is recorded, from when a new screen picture should...
Last Updated: April 3, 2023Click on the History option to display a full audit trail of every saved change that has been made to the Script.
Last Updated: April 3, 2023When viewing a Script or a set of results, right click anywhere within the screen list or click on the button in the toolbar to access the Animate option. This can be used to view a simulation of the Script playback. When the Play button is clicked on the screen below, the mouse pointer will...
Insert New
Last Updated: March 31, 2023If this option is selected you are effectively putting the Script Editor into record mode so that some new screens and input can be inserted into the existing Script. The TestDrive Sidebar will be launched if it is not already running and the Application list opened from which the application under test can be selected...
Test / Test & Resync
Last Updated: April 3, 2023Test The Test button enables a newly recorded Script to be checked for validity prior to being included in a Playlist or a modified Script to be checked to ensure that the changes made were the desired ones. If the TestDrive Sidebar is not already open then it is automatically launched, the application under test...
Home Toolbar
Last Updated: April 5, 2023The following actions are available from the Home toolbar. The first two are only available if a Script is opened from Qualify. Save – The save will take place immediately. Click the down arrow beneath the Save icon to perform the save but also close the Script Editor afterwards. Newly recorded Scripts can only be...
Main Interface
Last Updated: April 3, 2023The following screen is displayed when a Script is opened. The panel is split into several sections. Quick Access Toolbar – This incorporates the horizontal list of small icons at the very top of the panel and enables frequently used actions to be accessed quickly. Options from the larger main toolbar can be added to...
Impact Analysis
Last Updated: April 3, 2023Every time a Script, Variable Data or Playlist asset is deleted or changed an impact analysis screen is displayed which tells you which other assets might be affected by the change you are about to make. The text on the screen explains what the default action will be. To change this, expand the screen to...
Script Report
Last Updated: April 5, 2023An option is available from the File menu to generate a report which lists out all screens and associated input. The following screen enables the report parameters to be defined. Script name This is for information purposes only and cannot be changed. Description A more detailed explanation of the Script contents. Attach method When a...