
This provides access to the Display Job Log (DSPJL) command, Journal Analysis and file definitions (WRKPF).

Display Job Log Command (DSPJL)
TestBench includes an easy to use version of the IBM display Job Log command. This is used to show job log messages when looking at Test Run Results, but can also be used for a selected iSeries job.

It provides a clear display of key information, with a number of useful search facilities. The beginning of each logged message is shown on a single line, with the option to expand each line and display the full message text.

By using the F13 options, the content of the display can be changed using a number of selection conditions such as date/time range, sending program, specific message id or severity.

F13 – Options Use this function to change the sequence of the messages shown, or to select messages using the following options:-

• Minimum severity (defaults to the value defined for the Test Case)
• Message type (e.g. CPF, MCH, RPG)
• Minimum message id number
• Maximum message id number
• Start time. Hours, minutes, seconds
• End time. Hours, minutes, seconds
• Sending program
• Receiving program

TestBench incorporates an enhanced version of the IBM i (OS/400) command Display Job Log (DSPJOBLOG). It is used within TestBench to display the relevant sections of a job log in Adhoc_IT and within Test Results.

Command Access
We have created a command interface so that you can take advantage of its additional facilities even when working outside of TestBench. To access the facilities of Display Job Log (Alternate), execute the command:


or if TB_xPO is already in your library list you can simply execute:


Messages are initially displayed with the most recent at the top of the screen. The sequence can be altered through F13 (Options). For more information see the section below on Filtering and Sequencing.

Enhanced Layout
In addition to the Request Level and Message Text, DSPJL also provides details of the Severity, Time, Message Type and Identifier. In addition, F8 (Expand/Drop) will also provide details of the Sending Program, Receiving Program and Date. In combination the display of these items should significantly decrease the number of occasions when you need to request the full details.

We also allow you to select multiple messages for detailed display, rather than the single selection via the help key that is provided within the standard OS/400 command. To interrupt the display of multiple messages, use F3 (Exit) rather than F12 (Cancel) which will move you to the next selected message.

Filtering and Sequencing
We allow you to set Filters to determine which messages will appear on the display. This can be of tremendous help when you need to home in on a time period or type of message. We currently support the following filters:

Minimum Severity If keyed, this will limit the messages displayed to those with a severity equal to the keyed value or greater.

Message Type If keyed, this will limit the messages displayed to those of the keyed Type. F4 prompt is supported in this field.

Message ID Allows a range of Message Identifiers to be keyed Range and only those messages with an Identifier within this range will be displayed. It should be noted that if the Minimum value is left blank, it represents the lowest possible Message Identifier, while if the Maximum value is left blank it represents the highest possible Message identifier.

Time Range Allows a time range to be keyed and only those messages which were logged during this period will be displayed. It should be noted that if the Start Time is left blank, it represents 00:00:00, while if the End Time is left blank it represents 23:59:59.
Send Program If keyed, this will limit the messages displayed to those that were sent by the keyed program.

Receive If keyed, this will limit the messages displayed to Program those that were received by the keyed program.

You can also alter the sequence in which the messages are displayed in from newest first sequence (which the default) to oldest first.

Journal Analysis (WrkJrnAnl)
Journals created outside TestBench can be captured and analysed, and the data accessed in the same formatted view as in Results. It includes the ability to analyse effects by program, file or sequentially. The WrkJrnAnl command enables this function to be accessed from outside of the TestBench product.

On entry into the function a list of journals for which an analysis has already been performed is shown. Several analyses can be stored for the same journal so the creation date is displayed on screen for differentiation purposes.

2 – Refresh Re-execute the DSPJRN and update the stored journal records.

4 – Delete Remove the journal analysis description and all stored statistical information.

5 – Display Summary screen which shows the total number of writes, updates and deletes for each file in the journal. This is the same Statistical Information screen which is displayed when viewing file effects in TestBench Results.

7 – Description Change the analysis description.

F6 – Add Create a new journal analysis.

The following screen is displayed when F6 is pressed to add a new journal analysis, and when option 7 is keyed to change the analysis description. In the latter case it is not possible to amend the journal name or library.

On pressing Enter the standard IBM Display Journal command is executed. Once the DSPJRN command has completed, key option 5 to view the results of the analysis.

See the section on Statistical Information – File Effects in Test Case Results for a complete explanation of this display.

WrkPF for File Definitions
The following screen can be accessed for any file by taking the option from the Utilities menu or with the command WrkPF outside of the TestBench product.

F7 – Access Paths View all access paths for the physical file being displayed.