Playlist Properties

Click on the main Playlist node in order to manipulate the properties relevant to the Playlist as a whole.

Details tab #

Name: The name of the Playlist which cannot be changed once the Playlist has been saved.

Description: Text that can be used to further explain the contents and purpose of the Playlist.

Stop playback on first action to error: If any of the Playlist actions fails to execute, ticking this option will cause the entire Playlist to stop.

Checking Rule: When a script is played back, there are several quality checks that can be enforced. These include content checking (has the application changed since it was recorded?), spell checking, link checking and performance checking. Which of these should be used and how they should be used is controlled by checking rules which are created using the option from the File menu and then assigned to a Playlist here. These can be overridden at the Script level.

Result Default Values: Predefined fields where to put values for the output on the results.

  • Reference
  • Description
  • Reason

Advanced tab #

Application: The Application used during recording is saved with a Script and controls exactly how the Script behaves. Here it is possible to override the Application that will be used within this Playlist when Scripts are played back. Also just the version number can be changed, therefore if an Application is modified, updating the version number here will enable the changes to take effect for this Playlist. This option is also available for each Script node.

Option Set: The Options used during recording are saved with a Script and control exactly how the Script behaves, from when a new screen picture should be taken through to how the input for the screen should be annotated or described. Here it is possible to override the Option Set that will be used within this Playlist when Scripts are played back. Also just the version number can be changed, therefore if an Option Set is modified, updating the version number here will enable the changes to take effect for this Playlist. This option is also available for each Script node.

Notes tab #

Notes: Comments can be added at the playlist header to add additional information.