There are several steps involved in configuring TestMQ to track MQ messages and these are listed below. Please refer to individual sections in the User Guide for more information on each step.
1 Take option ‘24’ from the TestBench Main Menu and press F6 to add a Queue Manager for which you would like messages to be tracked. Press F4 to select from a list of all Queue Managers that have not already been defined to TestMQ. Decide whether all messages sent to the Queue Manager should be stored or whether messages should only be tracked when sent as part of a TestBench Test Case. This is controlled by the Standalone Tracking option.
2 Activate the Queue Manager using option ‘1’ on the Work with Queue Managers display.
3 Re-start the Queue Manager outside of TestBench for the activation to take effect.
4 Specify the MQM Queues for which messages will be tracked using option ‘8’ on the Work with Queue Managers display.
5 Activate the tracking of messages within a TestBench Test Case by toggling the Websphere MQ Intercepts option to ‘active’ on the Test Options screen within a specific Test Case.