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View a Warp Case

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The following screen is displayed when an option ‘5’ is keyed against a Warp Case on the Work with Warp Cases screen. It shows the Warp Case description that can be changed using option ‘7’.

Project ID The Project in which this Warp Case resides.

Warp Case ID The identifier for the Warp Case which is unique within the current Project.

Title Text to describe the Warp Case.

Independent ASP If the files being warped reside on an Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (IASP) other than the default of *SYSBAS, the name of the IASP is specified here. Alternatively *CURRENT enables whichever IASP is specified for the current job to be used. The Warp Case can then contain files in libraries on the specified IASP and on *SYSBAS.

Mode This controls how the Warp Case will be executed, ‘1’ for interactive execution or ‘2’ for batch execution.

Function Keys:

F7–Warp Case Objects View warp factors, warp objects and synchronised scrambling fields for this case.

The following screen is accessed by pressing F7.

Warp Factors

Selecting the Warp Factors with an option ‘1’ causes the warp factors for this Warp Case to be displayed. These can be changed using option ‘7’ on the Work with Warp Cases display.

Warp Type These are the types of date information that can be aged.

Warp Factor The value by which a particular date element will be changed. The value is expressed in the units of the element. For example, the week element will be aged by 104 weeks.

Warp Objects Selecting the Warp Objects with an option ‘1’ from the Linked Data display will cause the following screen to be shown. Warp objects are maintained using option ‘2’ from the Work with Warp Cases display.

7– Object Details Displays the following screen which lists all of the fields on the file which have been selected for warping or scrambling. Any fields for which no format has been keyed will not appear in the list.

Format The format of date information that is to be aged using any of the valid code combinations. Remember that valid combinations can be keyed in any sequence, so DMY, DYM, MDY, MYD, YMD and YDM are all valid. Alternatively this could be the ‘SCRAM’ code for fields that will be scrambled.