Content Checking

A content rule can be made of one or more content checks, each is listed on the screen shown above.  The sequence of content checks is important because they will be processed in turn.  For example you could create a rule to include all static text fields in content checking but exclude all other roles by placing the static text rule at the top of the list.  Drag and drop the first column to change the sequence of the checks in the list.

The following right click options are available:

Add Add a content check rule.  This is cursor sensitive, the new rule will get added after the one currently in focus.

Add Screen Check Add a screen check rule.  The same screen is displayed as if a content check were being added but in this case the screen caption property is compulsory.

Edit Change an existing check.

Remove Remove an existing check.

When a check is added or edited the following screen is displayed.

Error level If this content check is reported in results, mark as one of:





Screen Caption Fill in this property if you wish the check to be applied to a screen with this specific caption only.  You can ignore an entire screen by selecting ‘Any’ role, any annotation (using an ‘*’) and excluding all properties (using an ‘*’ with no tick in the ‘Check This’ box).

Role Select a valid Role from the drop down list or leave as ‘Any’ to apply the check to all Role types.

Annotation Specify the annotation of the property to be checked or leave as ‘*’ to check all annotations.  Wildcards (*) can be used.

Condition Specify one property and value which the element must equal in order for this rule to be applied.

Check Type Specify whether this check applies to Added items (in the actual but not the expected), Missing items (in the expected but not the actual) or Different items (in both actual and expected but a difference exists in one of the properties defined in the grid).

Properties For Difference checks, list here all property values that should be either included (tick) or excluded (no tick) in the content check.  Any differences between actual and expected values will be reported.  An ‘*’ can be used to represent all properties.  The sequence of the properties controls the order in which they will be processed.  In the above example, the Value property will be checked for differences but all other properties will not.

Use the up and down arrows to change the sequence of the properties in the list.