Display this screen by entering option ‘1’ to scan a Test Environment. Scanning will check the libraries in the Environment for files and data areas which are not currently journaled, and journal them to a TestBench journal. This resides by default in the TestBench library TB_JRN but the library can be overridden when the Test Environment is created. All journals and journal receivers created by TestBench will have the authority of *PUBLIC *ALL. All journals will be created with MNGRCV *USER rather than *SYSTEM, this avoids journal sequence numbers being re-set at IPL which could mean that the data can no longer be rolled back.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that if existing journals are being used that have not been created by TestBench, the MNGRCV option should be set to *USER for the reason explained above. If additional journal receivers are attached, TestBench caters for *CONT, and also now caters for *RESET.

The scan option is not allowed if the Environment has been frozen. As long as the Environment is not frozen, when a Test Case is run any files and data areas in the Environment which are not already journaled and have not been excluded will also be journaled at this point. Any errors encountered during the scanning process will be reported and can be viewed by pressing F6 on the following screen.

The command SCAN_IT can also be used to scan a Test Environment.

Function Keys:

F6 – View Errors Errors are created both for unjournaled objects and for objects which are journaled to a User journal but are not set to record BOTH images. In order to show database effects, both the before and after images must be captured. Option ‘1’ will either journal an unjournaled file or data area or re-journal an object to an existing journal with *BOTH set.