
An animation file will play back a movie-like representation of the test. This can be used to provide more detailed issue re-creation steps or for training purposes.

The main details of the test are listed in the left hand panel while the area to the right contains further information about the event in focus. As you can see above, markups and notes are also included. The panel in the top left displays any notes associated with the action.

The Edit panel (click the Edit tab next to the View tab in the right hand panel) allows you to view further details about an event as well as make minor changes.

The options available on the Edit tab will vary depending upon the type of action selected, however some are common.

  • Description: Key in a custom description for the event which will then replace the default one in the left hand panel.
  • Action/Target: Change the type of input or the item on screen against which the input action occurs. This can be used if, for example, if you wish to simulate an alternative test.
  • Notes: Additional descriptive text that will appear in the top left box during playback.
  • The following toolbar options are available.
  • Play: Play back the animation, which will begin from the event currently in focus in the left hand panel. When playback is in progress, this button will become a Pause button that can be pressed at any time.
  • Open: Open another saved animation file, ensure that any changes to the current animation are saved first.
  • Save Save changes to the current animation.
  • Export: Create a Word document containing all of the events in the left hand panel.
  • Speed: Increase or decrease the speed of playback, this can be used while playback is in progress.
  • Speech: Activate sound for the animation, which includes a commentary of every action.
  • Enhanced Text: When speech is activated, this option provides a fuller explanation of each action.
  • Screen Numbering: Add a number to the start of every screen in the audit trail, this may be useful when trying to highlight an issue on a particular screen.
  • Re-Plot: Helpful when a screen is not accessible allowing for a manual input.