Click on the File menu to select from the following options.
New: Create a new Playlist, if there are any unsaved changes or results for the current Playlist a warning message is displayed.
Open: Select an alternative Playlist, if there are any unsaved changes or results for the current Playlist a warning message is displayed.
Save As: Save a copy of the Playlist to a new name and/or location. Please note however that this does not also copy any assets used within the Playlist (other Playlists, Scripts or Variable Data sets), hence the new Playlist will still utilize the existing assets unless those are also copied and replaced within the new Playlist.
Preferences: Display and maintain the TestDrive preferences, see the following section for more information.
Manage PowerShell Snap-Ins: The Windows PowerShell framework is used to allow the creation of Cmdlets that will run in the .Net framework and can then be used to evaluate expressions to include within a Playlist or a Variable Data set. Some default Cmdlets are shipped with the product but if you wish to create any additional ones to meet specific needs then this option must be used to register them. Please refer to the later PowerShell section for full information.