A View is a grid that contains information relating to one specific entity, for example a Folder or a Task. Clicking a view will cause that data to be displayed in the main user area. There are two main types of view.
Hierarchical Display: Entities such as Folders which have been specified in Admin as hierarchical (ie. one folder can reside within another) are shown in a tree-view format.
Flat Display: Non-hierarchical top level entities (typically tasks and defects) are shown in a grid format. These can reside within other entities but not within a hierarchy of their own type, ie. a defect cannot reside within another defect.
*These types of entity can also be displayed in a Card view to further support agile development environments.
By default, for each entity there is one dynamically created view, for Defects this would be called ‘All Defects’. It is possible to modify this view, but in its un-modified state it will include all properties for that entity. Once you have saved at least one view for an entity, the dynamic view will no longer get created on opening an instance. By opening this (or any) view, making changes and saving the view, the user can create a fully customized display which includes only the data in which they are interested. Multiple views can be created and saved, providing quick access to specific data sets depending on the current user requirements.
Any view with the text (Restricted) at the end of its name has row level security enabled. This means that the current user may not be able to see all of the rows of data due to the security restrictions that are in place. Any such restrictions will have been defined in the Admin area.