Scripts can be stored against a particular Project and Test Case and viewed by keying option ‘20’ against a Test Case or by pressing F20 on the Maintain a Test Case screen.
The Product column indicates whether this is an iSeries script (Green) or a Web or Windows script (Gold).
1 – Scan Find and replace strings of characters either directly within a script, or within variable data. Also, option to scan for text and replace it with a variable data field name. This option cannot be used for non-iSeries scripts.
2 – Options Amend the Script Options – see later Script Options section for more information. This option cannot be used for non-iSeries scripts.
3 – Copy This option will allow you to copy the selected script to another Project and Test Case, or to a script of a different name.
4 – Delete This option will delete the script after a confirmation window is displayed.
5 – Screens Show the list of screens which form the script. From here, individual screen images can be displayed. This option cannot be used for non-iSeries scripts.
6 – Audit Every addition, update and deletion to the script is tracked and displayed.
7 – Exceptions Maintain Script level exclusions from comparison. This option cannot be used for non-iSeries scripts.
8 – Data Maintain variable data for the script. This option cannot be used for non-iSeries scripts.
9 – Notes Record notes for a Script – the Notes Editor is further described in the System chapter.