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The Test Pre-Checker

< 1 min read

The Test Pre-Checker is used by the Test Case Initiation and Ad-hoc Tests to verify the environment before a program is executed. The objective is to perform checks on the Test Case environment to highlight potential errors before the test is executed.

The detailed objectives of the Test Pre-Checker are:

• List the update data files and data areas that will not be protected.
• List the update data files and data areas that will be protected.
• Identify objects that cannot be found within the current library list or that are explicitly defined for the Test Case.
• Identify objects that cannot be copied into the temporary run time library due to insufficient authority. Object Management (*OBJMGT) authority is required.
• Highlight circumstances where it has not been possible to identify all objects that may be affected by the current test. (See Exceptions.)
An object is listed for each combination of attributes with which it is opened, e.g. Update, Update with Write.

Whilst any of these potential error conditions could cause the test to prematurely terminate you are not inhibited from proceeding as object and authority warnings may be resolved by initial processing within the test.