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TestMQ Functionality

< 1 min read

TestMQ affords the ability to track and log Websphere MQ messages. This provides considerable benefit in the testing of processes that use this technology due to the fact that once a message is received it can no longer be viewed using the MQ browse function. Messages can be tracked when they are sent as part of a TestBench Test Case or alternatively all messages sent to a Queue Manager can be tracked regardless of whether or not a Test Case is running. This enables messages that are sent by non-iSeries functions to be analysed.
There are five different types of MQ functions that can be tracked by TestMQ:-

• MQPUT which puts multiple messages on the MQ Queue.
• MQGET which receives multiple messages from the MQ Queue.
• MQPUT1 which puts a single message on an MQ Queue and then closes the queue immediately afterward.
• MQCMIT – which indicates to the Queue Manager that all of the message gets and puts that have occurred since the last syncpoint are to be made permanent.
• MQBACK which indicates to the Queue Manager that all of the message gets and puts that have occurred since the last syncpoint are to be backed out.