Physical The records in each file will be processed according to the ascending sequence of the RRNs. However no account will be taken of differing RRNs. It is therefore suitable where an identical number of records exist in each file, but they do not have the same RRN. Such a situation may occur after one file has been reorganised (RGZPFM ).
Relative Record Number (RRN) The records in each file will be processed according to the ascending sequence of the RRNs. Any RRNs which exist on one file and not the other will be reported as unmatched records.
Physical Key The records in each file will be processed according to the key specified on the physical file. Any key values which exist on one file and not the other will be reported as unmatched records. This comparison type supports file pairs with all ascending or descending keys and is ideal where the physical file key values are unique. The keys on File A must match in number, Length, Type and Decimal Places.
Logical Key The records in each file will be processed according to the key specified on the logical file. Any key values which exist on one file and not the other will be reported as unmatched records. The keys on File A must match in number, Length, Type, Decimal Places and sequence (all ascending or all descending).
SQL The records in each file will processed according to a user-defined key specified in the
Define SQL Compare Fields screen. This option can be very useful where the user has non-keyed field(s) on a file that represents the value they would like to join two files together for the comparison.
The Compare Case will execute using SQL in the background to perform the file comparison.
The option is offered in version 8.4.0.
All the Comparison Types pertain to the Compare Type field found on the
Object Details (Change a Comp Object screen) in Work with Comp Cases section.