A list of all screens recorded for the Script is shown, along with whether or not each screen is being checked and if it has been defined as a loop point for variable data Scripts (see later section). The total number of screens in the Script is shown at the top of the window. Access this screen with option 5 from the Scripts display.
2 –Options Maintain Screen Options -see later Screen Options section for more information.
3 Fields List all fields on this screen and maintain Field Level options – see later section for details.
4 – Delete Remove this screen from the Script. A confirmation screen will be displayed.
5 – Display View the actual screen image which was recorded.
6 –Insert Screens Select a Script to be inserted either before or after the selected screen.
View Screen Image
There are two versions of the actual screen image recorded by TestDrive or ‘Native’ R&P which can be displayed. ‘At Start’ refers to the screen which is first displayed when recording the script, and the ‘Keystrokes’ to the keys pressed by the User to change information on the screen and progress to the next screen in the script. The default display is ‘Keystrokes’.
Any fields containing variable data or any tracked fields will have a reverse image block in position 1, followed by the field name which contains the variable data or the tracked field name. If the field name will not fit into the space allocated for the field on the screen, as much of it as possible will be shown. If the cursor is placed within the screen field and F4 is pressed, the complete field name will be displayed in a window.
Line 24 on the screen has been used to display the information needed to use the View Screen Image program. A ‘+’ sign on the reverse image bar will indicate when there is information on line 24 of the recorded screen, and this can be displayed by pressing Page Down. As well as showing the Function Keys available, line 24 also indicates whether the ‘At Start’ or ‘Keystrokes’ version is being displayed. If it is the latter, the key used to exit from the screen (e.g. Enter, F3) can be seen in brackets. Also, the sequence number of this screen in the script and the total number of screens is shown.
Function Keys
F3 – Exit Return to view Screen List.
F4 – Expand Place the cursor on any part of a field which contains variable data and press F4 to display a window containing the name of the field holding the variable data.
F8 – At Start/Keystrokes
Press F8 to toggle between the ‘Keystrokes’ and ‘At Start’ images.
F9 – Checked/All Toggle between all fields or only those which will be checked for differences when the script is played back.
F12 – Back Display the previous screen in the script.
Enter – Next Display the next screen in the script.
PageDown Show lines 2 – 24 of the screen.
PageUp Show lines 1 – 23 of the screen.
Script Options
Script options can be accessed in two ways:-
• Option 2 from Scripts display.
• Shown after a Script is selected for Playback.
Activate Test_IT Choose whether TestBench Test_IT facilities are to be enabled when this Script is executed. Using this option will instruct TestBench to start the Test Case running on the iSeries before replaying the Script. Test_IT gives the capability to ensure a consistent initial environment. The default value for this option is a ‘1’.
Use Variable Data? Choose whether the Variable data associated with the Script is to be used during playback. Note that multiple Variable Data records will cause the Script to execute once per record. See relevant section on Variable Data.
Use Tracked Fields? Choose whether the Tracked fields associated with the Script are to be used during playback. Tracked fields however must be maintained using TestDrive. See relevant section in the TestDrive chapter for more information.
No of Executions Select a value of 1 or greater to indicate how many times the Script should execute. Each execution will be represented as a separate Sub Run in Test Case Results. This is useful for destruction testing, or in TestBench where Test_IT integration is selected to match the number of Processes.
Max Error Count Select a value between 0 and 999. Use this to force an action to be taken should the number of errors at a field level exceed the number specified here.
Error Count Action The Script can either be paused if the maximum error count is reached, at which point the option to continue is available, or aborted.
Checking Active? If set to 2, any differences between expected and actual field values will not be reported as errors.
Check Contents Option 1 to check all fields will ensure that differences between expected and actual values for any field on screen will be reported as an error, unless this field has been excluded from the comparison. Alternatively, only differences between constant or data fields can be reported.
Check Colours Option 1 ensures that differences in screen colours will be reported during playback and stored as errors.
Run Description Relates to this particular Test Run only and is displayed in Test Case Results.
Run Reference User controlled text which is displayed by pressing F7 on Test Run Details in results. It can be used for any purpose, for example to group multiple runs together via a work request number.
Product Group Enter the functional area of your application to which this Script belongs, e.g. INVOICING, ORDERS, GLEDGER. This is used for integration with Change Management systems to automatically identify which Scripts should be executed as part of a promotion. Product Groups are set up using option ‘24’ from the Utilities and Information Menu. Use F4 to select from a list of valid Product Groups.
Script exceptions enable frequently occurring data in the Script to be excluded from checking in a single entry. For example, the time of day may appear on every screen in a Script. One option would be to tune each screen to ignore any differences in the time, but Script level exclusions allow this to be achieved via a single entry.
Global exclusions can be entered in TestBench System Values. These apply to all scripts and can only be viewed on this screen.
2 – Change Modify an existing Exception.
4 – Delete Remove an existing Exception.
Function Keys
F6 – Add Create a new Exception.
Type This can only be Item, Date, Time or *ANY. Item refers to any piece of text or value in the Script and *ANY refers to any field appearing on a specified line or lines on each screen.
Start Line The start line in the line range within which a field must begin to qualify for exclusion.
End Line The end line in the line range within which a field must begin to qualify for exclusion.
Compare Data For Item exclusion types, this can be any value. For Date and Time exclusion types this must be ‘/’, ‘:’ or ‘.’. For *ANY exclusion types this can be blank, in which case all fields beginning in the line range will be excluded. Alternatively, if a value is specified only fields containing this character string will be excluded from the comparison.
- The Date exclusions only apply to fields that are 8 or 10 characters in length and have the ‘Compare Data’ character (e.g. ‘/’) in the format nn/nn/nnnn or nnnn/nn/nn where all the other characters are numeric apart from an allowed leading blank.
- The Time exclusions only apply to fields that are 8 characters in length and have the ‘Compare Data’ character (e.g. ‘:’) in the format nn:nn:nn where all the other characters are numeric apart from an allowed leading blank.
Screen Options
Screen Options can be accessed by keying option 2 against a screen on the Screen List display.
Title Screens are automatically given titles during recording by taking the text from the position specified in System Values. This title can be amended here.
Exit Cursor Posn The position of the cursor when the screen was ended. Use in conjunction with function key option when this action is cursor sensitive. For example, pressing F4 on different fields may yield different results.
Screen Delay Specifies the amount of time in seconds before the Interrupt message will be displayed if the input inhibited light is on for an extended period of time.
Function Key The Script progresses to the next screen when the specified key is pressed. Press F4 with the cursor in this field to see a list of all available keys. Care should be taken as an alteration may change the next screen that appears and subsequent screens in the Script may no longer be appropriate.
Auto RA Field The screen can also be ended when keystrokes are placed into an auto record advance field. F8 gives a list of all auto record advance fields which are present on the screen. For each field, the row, column, start value and keystrokes are shown.
Keystroke exit As an alternative to the previous two options, the screen can also end when a keystroke is typed into a particular area of the screen. For example, attempting to key outside the boundaries of a window or typing an alphabetic character into a numeric field may cause an error message to be displayed.
Exit Action Specify which of the above three options causes the Script to progress to the next screen.
Checking Active? Set this field to 2 to bypass all error checking for this screen.
Check Contents Differences between expected and actual values for any field on screen can be reported as errors, unless this field has been excluded from the comparison. Alternatively, differences between Constants or Data fields only can be reported. These options are also present at the script level and option 4 will cause the values specified there to be used.
Max Error Count Select a value between 0 and 99 and use this to force an action to be taken should the number of errors at a screen level surpass the number specified here.
Max Error Action If the maximum error count has been reached the Script can either be paused, at which point the option to continue is available, aborted, or the Script level flag can be obeyed.
Loop Point Enter a value of 2 or 3 here if, in a script driven by Variable Data, this is the point at which processing should either begin for each transaction (2=Start) or return to the first screen (3=End). Screens before the Start Loop Point form initial processing only initiated prior to variable data entry. Screens after and including the End Loop Point form exit processing only initiated after all variable data records have been completed.
Field Options
Enter option 3 against a screen on the Screen List display to access the list of fields which are present on it.
Data Options
Option 2 on the Field Level Options display gives access to the Data options for a field. No tracked field information is displayed as these cannot be amended natively, TestDrive must be used for this.
Keystrokes are not valid for constant type fields and cannot be seen on this screen.
Fixed Start Value The value used for verification when the Script is executed and the screen containing this field appears. If this value does not appear then an error will be reported (see also Usage below). Any data keyed beyond the field length is ignored.
Variable Field Enter a Field Name if the value to be checked is to come from the Variable data entered for each execution of the Script. Either select an existing field from the list (F4), or key in a Field Name which will be added to the list if not already present (see also Usage below).
Usage Use either the data in the Fixed Start Value or the Variable field for verification.
Fixed Keystroke Value The keystrokes which will be sent to this field if it is a data field rather than a constant. Care must be taken with these values as they may affect what screens will subsequently appear.
Variable Field Select a Field Name (F4) if you want the keystrokes to vary according to Variable Data entered for each execution of the Script, or enter a new Field Name (see also following section on entering variable data).
Usage This flag is used to determine whether either the data in the Fixed Keystroke Value or the Variable field value will be used during playback for data entry.
Special Keystroke Indicates when a field exit key should be played after the keystrokes, for example for Auto-record Advance fields or fields where Field Exit causes data to become right adjusted.
Error Action If this field is in error the Script can either be paused (choice 1), at which point the option to continue is available, or aborted (choice 2). These values can also be set at the Screen level and by default any screen actions will be followed.
Checking Active? Set to 2 if the field is not to be checked for differences.
Colour The expected colour for this field. If the Check Colours option is set in the Script Options window and the field appears with a different colour, it will be reported as a difference.