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Integrity Case Results

3 min read

The following screen is accessed using option ‘21’ from the Work With Integrity Cases display or by using the WRKINTRUN command (see the System chapter).

Warn This column indicates whether or not any warning messages have been generated for the run. Any messages that were displayed on the object pre-check but did not prevent the execution of the Integrity Case are logged here. Also, if the Integrity Case run is at an ‘Abnormal’ status this means that an unrecoverable error has occurred and this error will also be logged as a warning message.

Clr This indicates whether low level details of the Integrity Case run have been cleared with option ‘7’. See the notes below for option ‘7’ – Clear/Delete.


1 – Warnings Display any warning messages that have been generated for this run.

4 – Cancel This option will cancel an active batch job or a queued batch job. Using 4 will end that job, and update the status of the run. If used on an active interactive job it will have no effect and the job will continue. However, if the interactive job has been ended by a command such as ENDJOB *IMMED, the run will still show as active until this option is used to update the status to cancelled.

5 – Details Display details of the Integrity Case run, see the section below for more information.

6 – Report Create a report for the results set selected. A window is displayed which enables the reporting options to be selected prior to the report being created.

7 – Clear/Delete A window is displayed where the user can choose to either delete or clear the runs that have been selected with option ‘7’. The ‘Delete’ option will delete permanently all references to the run. The ‘Clear’ option will delete the detailed information about the objects included in the run, leaving a reduced record that the run took place.

8 – Job This displays the OS/400 job information, either for an active batch job (a submitted Integrity Case run), or an active interactive job which started the run. Once the job has terminated, this option is no longer allowed.

9 – Notes Use option 9 to access the Notes Editor and to enter or amend text notes about the run. For more information on using the Notes Editor, refer to the separate Chapter in this document.

Integrity Case Rules
Access the following screen with an option ‘5’ from Work With Integrity Runs. It shows each rule from the Integrity Case and whether this rule has been passed or failed.


5 – Display Failures Display record failures for the files (see screen below).

6 – Display Rule Shows the Integrity Rule description and values.

Function Keys:

F7 – Run Details Display high level details about the run such as Start and End time.

F13 – Repeat Duplicate the first option on the screen to the end of the display.

Display Record Failures
This screen is accessed by option ‘5’ from the Integrity Case Rules screen. Each record on the file which has broken the rule is listed together with the field names in error.


5 – Display Rule wth Data View the Integrity Rule and its values, side by side with the actual values from the file. The data which has broken the rule is highlighted.

6 – Display Record View the data in the file record which has been compared to the Integrity Rule.

Function Keys:

F13 – Repeat Duplicate the first option on the screen to the end of the display.

Integrity Rule Details
This display can be accessed from viewing Warnings or viewing Rules in results. The rule values and the actual data values are shown side by side. The data that does not comply with the required rule value is highlighted. If Alternative File Description fields were used as part of the Integrity Rule definition, these will also be shown here.

In the case of test operations such as ‘EXISTS’ where there is no real data value to return, the result display will show a 0 if the test has passed, and a value of 1 if the test has failed.

View Field Information
Option ‘6’ on the Record Failures display will show the entire data contents of the file record which has failed the rule. Leading zeros are suppressed from numeric fields for clarity. If an Alternative File Description exists for the file in either the library from which it originated or *LIBL, the results for these additional fields will also be displayed.

Function Keys:

F4 – Extend If the field you wish to view is longer than the available space on the screen, move the cursor to that field and press F4 to extend the view.

F6 – Print Produce a formatted report of the detailed file effect.

F7 – Description Use F6 to view the File description to check field names, lengths and types.

F9 – Hex/Char Use F9 to alternate between viewing the data values in character or hexadecimal format. The view always starts in character format.