Data by Role, for all Role based entities which matches any filter that has been defined on this grid is listed. By default, the filter will be set to only show Open tasks. Data is organized into weekly columns, the left most column defaults to this week but the scrollbar can be used to move left and right.
In each column, the amount of time booked against that Role (via the Current Estimate property) is listed. For each Role, the number of Resources required for each week is calculated. To perform these calculations, the working days and hours is obtained from the Country to which the System Administrator belongs, see the Administration user guide for more information. The first number represents, based on the number of working hours in the week, how many resources on average will be needed. The number in brackets is the maximum number of resources that will be needed on a given day. This could be higher if several tasks are scheduled to start and finish on the same day, for example.