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Link Checking

2 min read

There are two types of spell checking available.  The one shown above uses OpenOffice and two base dictionaries are included in the installation for use with spell checking, English (United Kingdom) and English (United States).  Others can however be downloaded from the location and installed in Original Software Manager, please refer to that chapter for more information. ComponentOne spell checking is also available in which case multiple languages are available.

Error level If this link is reported in results, mark as one of:





Dictionary Select the dictionary that you wish to use from the list of installed language dictionaries. 

Ignore emails If this option is checked, all email addresses will be excluded from spell checking.

Ignore mixed case words If this option is checked, all words containing a mixture of upper and lower case characters (unless the only upper case character is at the beginning of the word) will be excluded from spell checking.

Ignore repeated words If this option is checked, words which appear more than once in a row will be excluded from spell checking.

Ignore upper case words If this option is checked, words in upper case only will not be spell checked.

Ignore URLs All URLs will be excluded from spell checking if this option is checked.

Ignore words with numbers All words which contain numbers will be excluded from spell checking if this option is checked.

Right click the Custom dictionary box to obtain the following options.

Add                               Type a new word that will be added to the dictionary.

Remove                         Delete the selected word from the dictionary.

Find                              Locate a word in the dictionary.