Work with Users

This screen is accessed using option ‘1’ from the Work with Security menu. It is used to define individual User authority to all areas of the product. If security is active and there is no record here for a User, that User will have no authority to any of the product functions.


2 – Define Maintain authorities for this User. See the following section for more information.

3 – Copy Create a new User which has the same authority specifications as the User being copied. The new User must be a valid iSeries User Profile.

4 – Delete Remove this User. If security is active this User will no longer have authority to any of the product functionality. A confirmation screen is displayed before the deletion process begins.

Function Keys:

F6 – Add Create a new User which must exist as a current iSeries User Profile. The Maintain User Authorities screen will then be displayed so that the authorities for the new User can be defined. See the following section for more information.