Pre-Requisites and Installation

To enable the creation or usage of Powershell Cmdlets on your PC there are certain application requirements that are needed, these can all be downloaded and installed free of charge from

Minimum Requirements:

  • Download and install Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition. (Whichever .Net language is best for you)
  • Download and install the Windows Management Framework (this will already be installed on Windows 7 PCs).
  • Download and install the Widows PowerShell 3 Software Development Kit

If PowerShell is already installed on your PC when you perform the installation of the Original Software products then the default shipped PowerShell functions will be automatically available. If however PowerShell is not installed, the Playlist editor will provide the direct link from where it can be downloaded. Once this has been done you will need to register the Original Software Cmdlets so that they can be used by running the following batch file from the target installation directory:

  • RegisterOriginalSoftwareCmdLets.bat

Please note that the PowerShell cmdlets used when defining Expressions are valid for a specific build only, therefore if you wish to switch between builds and you use this functionality then you will need to register the correct version by running the batch file “RegisterOriginalSoftwareCmdLets.bat” from the correct installation folder for the build. There is also an “UnRegisterOriginalSoftwareCmdLets.bat” file if you wish to ensure that nothing is registered first.