Data Case Results

The following screen is accessed using option 21 from the Work with Data Cases display or by using the WRKDTARUN command (see the System section).

Warnings This column indicates whether or not any warning messages have been generated for the run. Any messages that were displayed on the object pre-check but did not prevent the execution of the Data Case are logged here. Also, if the Data Case run is at an ‘Abnormal’ status this means that an unrecoverable error has occurred and this error will also be logged as a warning message.

Clr This indicates whether low level details of the Data Case run have been cleared with option 7. See the notes below for option 7 – Clear/Delete.


1 – Warnings Display any warning messages that have been generated for this run.

4 – Cancel This option will cancel an active batch job or a queued batch job. Using 4 will end that job, and update the status of the run. If used on an active interactive job it will have no effect and the job will continue. However, if the interactive job has been ended by a command such as ENDJOB *IMMED, the run will still show as active until this option is used to update the status to cancelled.

5 – Details Display details of the Data Case run, see the section below for more information.

7 – Clear/Delete A window is displayed where the user can choose to either delete or clear the runs that have been selected with option ‘7’. The ‘Delete’ option will delete permanently all references to the run. The ‘Clear’ option will delete the detailed information about the objects included in the run, leaving a reduced record that the run took place. It will also attempt to delete the temporary run-time library if it still exists.

An alternative to this option is to Purge Data Runs using the option from the TestBench Main Menu, see System section for more information.

8 – Job This displays the OS/400 job information, either for an active batch job (a submitted Data Case run), or an active interactive job which started the run. Once the job has terminated, this option is no longer allowed.

9 – Notes Use option 9 to access the Notes Editor and to enter or amend text notes about the run. For more information on using the Notes Editor, refer to the separate Chapter in this document.
11 – Timeline View all steps within the extraction in chronological order. This option can be used before the extraction has finished to view its progress, press F11 on the Timeline screen to expand the view to show the individual objects that have been extracted so far.

12 – Spool files Display all spooled files for the job.

13 – Resume Extract If the media method of remote data extraction has been specified on the Data Case definition, executing the Data Case will create the extract library on the remote system. This must then be manually transferred to the local system (option 5 against the Test Run provides the library name for the transfer). Once the data has been extracted on the remote system the Data Run adopts a status of ‘MedReady’. Once the library has been restored to the local system, option 13 against the Data Run resumes the extract process and moves the data to the target library. There is also a command interface into this function via the RESUMEEXT command, see the System section for more information.

Data Case Run Objects
Key an option 5 against a Data Case Run to obtain the following screen. All of the objects that were present in the Data Case at execution time are listed, the indentations of the object names indicating the based on relationships as defined in the Data Case. Any additional physical files added to the target libraries as a result of join logicals are also listed. The columns of figures show the number of records in the original file, the number that were selected as a result of the selections, sampling or linkages, the number that were inserted into the target file (those selected minus any duplicate records) and those updated if this is a Alter or Extract and Alter Data Case. The percentage figure refers the records inserted in relation to the original records in the file.

Limit To Key a character or characters to subset the display to records that have the same initial key values. Leave blank to have all records available via scrolling (or page up/down).

Search Use in conjunction with F16 to place the cursor at the next occurrence of an object in the list.


2 – Details Display information about the object, including the type of object *file or data area), and for files which member is being extracted and on which file, if any, this file is based.

5 – Object Info This option relates to the object in the source library. For a file it will execute the WRKPF command to show field details and access paths. If the object is a data area, the contents of the data area is displayed.

6 – Target Info This option relates to the object in the target library. For a file it will execute the WRKPF command to show field details and access paths. If the object is a data area, the contents of the data area is displayed. It also shows the name of the target library into which the object was extracted.

Function Keys

F13 – Repeat Duplicate the first option on the screen to the end of the display.

Data Case Run Details
Key an F7 on the above Data Case Run Objects display to obtain the following screen. This lists some of the key attributes of the Data Case at execution time and also provides information regarding the duration of the extraction and the original and extracted space of the objects (excluding logical files).