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‘Native’ Record and Playback

10 articles


Last Updated: February 10, 2023

There are two features available to support interactive testing with record and playback. They are referred to as ‘Native’ Record and Playback (‘Native’ R&P), and TestDrive. This section refers to ‘Native’ R&P. ‘Native’ R&P enables an interactive process to be captured and replayed later. Hence, a standard test can be created to include input that...


Last Updated: February 10, 2023

Instructions1 Key option 11 against the Test Case where the Script you are about to record will be stored. The following screen is displayed. 2 Enter a Script name in the above window. Also specify whether or not the Test Case should be executed prior to the first screen being recorded using the Run Case...


Last Updated: February 10, 2023

Scripts can be stored against a particular Project and Test Case and viewed by keying option ‘20’ against a Test Case or by pressing F20 on the Maintain a Test Case screen. The Product column indicates whether this is an iSeries script (Green) or a Web or Windows script (Gold). Options 1 – Scan Find...

View Screen List

Last Updated: February 10, 2023

A list of all screens recorded for the Script is shown, along with whether or not each screen is being checked and if it has been defined as a loop point for variable data Scripts (see later section). The total number of screens in the Script is shown at the top of the window. Access...

Handling of Negative Numeric Values

Last Updated: February 10, 2023

There are some non-signed fields into which a negative value can be keyed, but there is no dedicated character space for it. Therefore, when this is shown on screen the negative sign is combined with the last digit resulting in a difference between the value keyed and that displayed on screen. For example, 123- would...

Maintain Script Variable Data

Last Updated: February 10, 2023

This screen is accessed by entering Option 8 against a script when looking at all scripts for a Test Case. It is used to enter values for variable data fields. Each transaction represents one execution of the script. The Keystrokes column is a concatenation of the variable data values for that execution of the script....

Script Scan/Replace

Last Updated: February 10, 2023

Enter Option 1 against a script when viewing all scripts for a Test Case to access the script scan and replace facility. This can be used to make the same change in many different places in a script. For example, if User ID appears on several screens within a script, and the person playing back...


Last Updated: February 10, 2023

Tracked field, Spell Check, Markup and Validation Rule support is currently in TestDrive only and these Scripts cannot be amended or played back natively. 1 Key option 10 against the Test Case where the Script you are about to play back is stored.2 Select the correct Script from the list.3 On the Script Options panel...

‘Native’ R&P versus TestDrive

Last Updated: March 8, 2023

The advantages in using the native functions are that a PC is not required and any emulator restrictions are eliminated. It is also possible in ‘Native’ R&P to run scripts in batch. The following table summarises the differences between ‘Native’ R&P and TestDrive.

Valid Sign On Screens

Last Updated: February 10, 2023

During Native Record & Playback, for TestBench to know when to start and finish the script it needs to know when it is on the Sign on screen. If the title of the Sign on screen differs from the IBM standard i.e. ‘Sign On’ then enter title in the screen valid sign on screens. This...